Sunday 28 April 2013

Re: Regina v Colin Jarvis A Personal Statement. [aka …a tirade (sic) CPS 26/4/13]

Re: Regina v Colin Jarvis

A Personal Statement.

[aka …a tirade (sic) CPS 26/4/13] - How so very very devastatingly and woundingly hurtful :-( not to mention gratuitously rude and comically risible :-) of the CPS to label my perfectly reasonable, considered and appropriate social media comm which I posted just prior to be prosecuted by the CPS "a tirade" simple because the CPS's star witness had squeaked out ..he's put me name ***** ***** in nit, look vhere mate see it?... (sic). A "name" which was, as of the time of the CPS's star witness's squeaky complaint, a matter of public record !

I believe my social media sites content to be lawful, legal, legitimate accurate and factual information postings. I refute the assertion of any criminal harassment of any other person or entity.

The entirity of my social media content is: Honest comment, fair comment, fair opinion and the exercise of my freedom of expression as described within Article 10 of the ECHR.

It should be noted that my fair opinion and comment, my honest comment, honestly held and honestly expressed in respect of my social media websites are posted without malice toward any individual or entity. 

Rather all my social media content are based upon and supported by true facts, accurate and precise fact which I post with full justification and with full and sufficient clarity in respect of black BT employees and/or CWU members and white BT employees and/or CWU members, all of whom have been instrumental in and fundamentally involved in consistently and constantly pursuing a discriminatory, harassing, victimising, harmful, distressful, alarming and damaging course of conduct toward me within BTs workplace over the period of time stated within all of my social media websites.

I have indicated and identified the subject matter with sufficient clarity throughout the entirety of my social media content and postings. That fact is, I would argue, indisputable and made demonstrably clear within all of my public websites.

I choosing to use the right of every citizen to be offensive towards, to be insulting towards and to heap abusive opprobrium upon numerous black persons and white persons within BT and the CWU is not and cannot be believed to amount to a course of conduct amounting to criminal harassment. 

I believe that expressing offensive, abusive, insulting honest comment, honestly held by me, about the unlawful BT & CWU workplace conduct of persons known to me does not constitute criminal conduct of harassment contrary to the PHA. 

Rather, that in respect of all of my social media content …I believe that in the particular circumstances my pursuit of the course of conduct to be reasonable.  
The fact that another black person(s) or another white person(s) considers my honestly held honest comment to be objectionable and offensive does not / cannot amount to a course of conduct of criminal harassment. 

I am presumed to have the legal right and freedom of any British citizen to express, without malice, honest comment, honestly held about black people and about white people within BT and within the CWU. 

I have exercised that legal right and will continue to so do - within my social media websites. 

As a defendant in criminal prosecution I assert, for the CPS to prosecute me for pursuing a reasonable course of conduct is unconscionable. The CPS’s case against me asserting criminal harassment has no merit, lacks any merit and should, the defendant would argue, be treated as such by a court.

I consider the CPS are attempting to interfere with my right of freedom of expression and restrict my right of freedom of expression and my right to free speech, wholly unjustifiably. My honest comment does not target a particular racial or ethnic group, therefore no interference by the CPS or the court is justified in interfering with and restricting my right to freedom of expression. 

The exact same right possessed by the numerous black persons and white persons I have lawfully, legally, legitimately and justifiably identified and cited by their known bad reputation, by their known bad character and by the unacceptable and reprehensible BT & CWU workplace conduct, maliciously perpetrated against me by those numbers of black persons and white persons who are BT employees and CWU members, within my social media websites.


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