Saturday 13 April 2013

BT employee / CWU member dominic martello/distefano & the B&B money (still) owed. c.2008/9


This tale of a weekend away-break - on a car buying 'adventure' (sic)  was told to me by a BME BT employee / CWU member whom I periodically worked alongside c. 2008/11 (I doing the work, as the BME BT employee in question - just like his fuck buddy/school buddy martello - is incapable of doing anything like a honest day's work.)

The BME BT employee in question was always extremely upset and angry whenever he repeatedly fixated on the B&B and petrol money owed to him by dominic martello/distefano - "..that useless cunt still owes me for the B&B and petrol. I paid the fucking lot and the cunt said he'd pay me back, I'm still fucking waiting". (sic)
Whenever the BME BT employee, in his paranoid fixation on his habitual retelling of his sad tale of woe to me when we were either at HP19 8BP Griffin Ln. or when on-site. I in turn would say - ***** why don't you tell him you want him to repay the money he owes you for when you abandoned your partner and two children to go on your stupid, ill fated and poorly thought through - wk/end away car-buying love-in at the coast, when you had a partner and two children to spend the wk/end with?

The BME BT employee - who would repeatedly retell to me the pathetic and sad tale of the disaster of his little wk/end away break 'adventure' he went on with his Stoke Mandeville school buddy/fuck buddy dominic martello/distefano. That same BME BT employee - somewhat bizarrely - informing (sic) me that - "...I said it was to do with work"  (sic) - when I had enquired of the BME BT employee who was volunteering this unsolicited information to me, as to what was the response/reaction of his partner? who was left to look after their two children, one a  new-born "...whilst you drove martello / distefano - down to the coast for a car-buying love-in? Coughing up / paying for - the whole wk/end away-break, on such a stupid and ill conceived second hand car-buying 'adventure' that dumbstefano / martello had talked you into accompanying him on". (sic)  

I further stated to the BME BT employee who voluntarily, habitually and regular-as- clockwork bleated - like a fixated sheep - about: " B&B and petrol money that that cunt martello owes me" (sic) *CONTD...

[ Honest comment: I personally believe the BME BT employee in question is paranoid (sic) about dominic martello-distiffano / paranoid about neil landymore / paranoid about danny thorp / paranoid about matt gordon / paranoid about BT MTW "cousin andy" et al / paranoid about having his fondness for / his addiction to and his obsessive disgusting fetish for tonguing white BT sphincsters, known about by other black people including his estranged nearest & dearest et al. - and the same BME BT employee  i.e. john coffey - is paranoid & shy about so many things. (sic)

And I believe this is made worse by  the BME BT employee's habitual abuse of and addiction to the following sad habits: Pizzas, McDonalds, Ice Road Truckers, Sowing (i.e. playing with sowing machines/cloths alterations) Vacuuming stinking un-salvageable carpets at HP20 1**, Cakes and Ice Cream, and his pathetic addiction to his BT Openreach overtime desperate dependency.]

*CONTD... I further stated: *****, don't you think dominic martello played you for a gullible, easily manipulable, compliant black fool, by talking you into drive him to the coast and conning you into footing the bill and paying for his bed and board and for his night out with you in tow, like some desperate for his friendship moron?(sic)

To which the response from the BME BT employee in question, invariably, would be: ...I'm just biding my time, the cunt thinks I've forgotten about it and won't ask him...(sic)

(n.b. it must be well over 3 years now that that BME BT employee has been "...biding his time" (sic) !!!

But fear not. The full and complete hilarious, sad and pathetic tale of this ...B&B car-buying wk/end away love-in, as told to me by the BME BT employee - who on numerous occasions, voluntarily and obsessively, described to me the disastrously comical, sad and pitiful events of that ill fated wk/end car buying love-in between himself and dominic martello/distefano is 2B contd... in a future blog post. 

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