Monday 15 April 2013

A generic BT / CWU Uncle Tom.


A TV trailer for the comedy Airplane has just jogged my memory. Therefore - A little example of just how utterly stupid, fucking simple and brain dead Uncle Toms are.

c.2011. In an upstairs office in BTs HP19 8BP (nick)Griffin Ln. yard, I was attempting - (like banging my head against a brick wall and/or like attempting to talk sense to a twat brain) - to talk about attitudes toward racism, and the cowardly deceit that is the fall back position of cowardly workplace racists etc. - to a BT Uncle Tom, and I said how hilarious, entertaining and appropriate I and most other people found the put down spoken by the girl in the comedy film Airplane when she was offered milk for the coffee she had just accepted from the young white male who was attempting to impress her and she refused the milk and replied ...I take it black, like my men.

BTs Uncle Tom replied ...yeah but they wouldn't get away with that today in a film.

I could have puked up at the demonstrable stupidity and simple mindedness of the BT Uncle Tom to whom I was talking. I immediately decided it would be a complete and total waste of my time and energy to attempt to explain the - joke - to the BT Uncle Tom and instead I just looked at him and said to myself ...Colin, this is the thick Uncle Tom cunt that you are relying on to have the moral courage and the diginty to present honestly and truthfully to BTs FS1GC against BT employees who call him John (Coffey) to his face - and he bends over and takes it up his Uncle Tom sphincter from cowardly racist twats suck as lee foulkes, steve halsey et al. Colin when the time comes this stupid as they come / stupid as fuck Uncle Tom cunt is going to stab you in the back and protect his cowardly, thick as shit Uncle Tom self  in private
behind your back within BT's in confidence / confidential internal formal grievance complaints and appeals procedures bullshit.

c. Dec. 2011 - BT Legal are ordered to disclose to me some 300+ pages of BT documents - and my prediction was proved 100% correct, when the verbal conduct of the BT Uncle Tom was presented to me in black and white exactly and verbatim  what was said / presented to white BT investigating managers by Uncle Tom Prick. 

i.e. My conclusion, a stupid, simple minded Uncle Tom Prick/P***** is a stupid simple minded Uncle Tom Prick/P***** is a stupid simple minded (john coffey) Uncle Tom Prick/P*****!

p.s. look out for Colin Jarvis's Youtube etc. posts coming soon !

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