Friday 12 April 2013

BT employee / CWU member dominic martello c Aug. 2006

I received a telephone call from dominic martello informing me - that morning he was located by a Pole Erection Unit BT vehicle talkng to two BT employees - one acting C1 grade BT employee named andrew ruzicKA and a "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" BT employee - when those two BT employees received a phone call from BT line manager steve wingrove instructing them both to attend a meeting at Aylesbury ATE immediately. martello stating that ...the fat man said let's finish loading these poles then we'll go up there to see what he wants..(sic)

d martello and I agreed that the invite by s wingrove was about investigating the contents of the whisle blowing e/b - a part of which dominic martello himself had assisted me to compile on his return from his holiday in Australia, I subsequently handing the e/b to level 3 BT line manager T Ferguson in June 2006 who in turn handed the e/b to Accenture HR Specialist S Lawson to pass onto the appropriate BT line management for investigation - and I reminded d martello that my PEU work mate Jason Jennings would also be called to meet with s wingrove and kevein coll (who was the other manager BT ordered to investigate the whistle blowing e/b's contents) as I had named Jason as a witness to some of the workplace thefts of BT property and assets, the dangerous / life endangering working practises and the abusive misuse of BT assets, BTpremises and BT facilities etc. etc. which I had detailed in the e/b against the two BT employee concerned. I asked dominic martello to see what more he could find out. 
d martello then proceeded to inform me of what else was been talked about and by whom and what was taking place at HP19 8BP Griffin Ln. as a result of the ongoing FS1GCs and GAs I had raised against BT shop floor employees and BT line managers. i.e. garry lawrence - level 2 manager, dean newport-hall - silly little boy new starter, andrew ruzicKA - bullying big mouth gobshite, bob reader & martin norhtfield - Colindale TEC and ron ryall ReadingTEC.

Some short time later d martello called me to relay that: I saw the fat man and ****** in the yard and casually asked them what wingrove wanted to see them about...(sic). martello told me that: ...****** boy just shook his head and pointed to the fat man and said - ask him - and walked off (sic). And that the fat one was reluctant to go into any detail. d. martello went onto say that ...judy (howard chalmers) is saying that ...he's involved steve now...(sic) i.e. s. newport-hall BT MTW manager -...but ***** and steve (newport-hall) are saying that he can't prove anything...(sic).

I told dominic martello to keep his ears and eyes open and report back. martello in turn said that he feared ...******, ruzicKA, chalmers, gordon, oliver and that lot are suspicious of me asking about things...(sic) 

N.B. All my - personal property - documents re: BT & the CWU & Reading Employment Tribunal & HMCTS c.Dec 2005 to 2013 - including the whistle blowing e/b referred to above - will be legally disclosed and published in full on my various social media sites, on Wikileaks, in Wikipedia articles etc. in the fullness of time.


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