Wednesday 11 September 2013

For the avoidance of doubt, for the sake of clarity and for my own peace of mind let me make myself explicitly clear and unambiguous.

I have the absolute fullest of respect for the people of Guyana. I have the absolute fullest of respect for the people of Trinidad & Tobago. I have the absolute fullest of respect for the people of the UK. I have the absolute fullest of respect for the people of ALL United Nations Countries. There exists good people and bad people, honest decent truth tellers & dishonest cowardly gainsayers in ALL nations. YOU as an individual CHOOSE what you do and what YOU say to other black people and to other white people and then YOU have to live with that choice FOREVER !

If any single person questions my motivation and/or the veracity of that which guides my principled endeavour in respect of the overriding objective which I - as a black man with dignity and self respect for myself and for my race and respect for people of a race different to my own - am seeking to achieve. Then that person(s) - whoever you are or whoever the hell you think you are - had better be prepared to publicly show YOURSELF and be prepared to openly and publicly to substantiate and back up such questioning of this black man's honest, principled endeavour in the court of public opinion, in the public domain

Justification (if any were needed)? The black man who is Colin Jarvis, has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, NOTHING WHATSOEVER which I have need, have want or have reason TO HIDE from ANYBODY.

Geddit !

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