Friday 16 August 2013

Cometh the hour cometh the Uncle Tom Prick aka John (Coffey)! God bless BT employees phillip douglas aka phil the nigger (sic) phil the nigger's puppet master lee foulkes aka a cunce licker & steve halsey aka a (closet) foulkes hater. :-(

Uncle Tom Prick: Definition: A black person who will do anything to stay in good standing with "the white man" including betraying people of his own race. For example back stabbing and betraying a *real black man*. 

e.g. Back stabbing and betraying a black man in a white employer's workplace, in private (sic) behind closed doors. n.b. Right in front of the 'interviewee'  the white man / white woman writes down verbatim and records the tripe the shit that is puked up to them "in confidentially" (sic) by the white employees and by the Uncle Tom black person employee they 'interview'(HA! :-)))

Sorry, but that is so fucking funny to me as a honest truthful black man who simply attempted to legitimately and openly hold bullying, cowardly and completely dishonest white BT workplace retard twats accountable and responsible inside a white employer's workplace. Whoever heard of a fucking line manager accompanying as a BT Friend (sic) a field operative under investigation whom he manages and both of those white 'men' in coordination, shafting the black BT investigating manager with coordinated prepared responses to questions from the intimidated saddo who was chicken shit* scared of the pair of them and who was bullied and bullshitted by BT line manager(HA!) paula allington and the BT operative he manages(HA!) his suck buddy lee foulkes. As demonstrated by the chicken shit* and plainly stupid contents of his - dale leacock's - FS1GC 'outcome letter' (sic) of 7/7/11 he handed to me. The BT Friend (sic) manager twat backing up and endorsing his suck buddy operative 100%. Hilarious, absolutely fucking hilarious the shit the white man will do for each other with a completely straight face in plain sight of the black man inside of a white employer's workplace where the white man is in charge. Ditto the CWU and the white men hypocrites and cowards who control and run that organisation and it's NDC. For fuck sake. And they get away with it - no prob. Tellingly, very tellingly, the GA investigating manager john allen and the BT Friend (sic) manager paula allington keeping the fuck away from each other, avoiding each other completely when I sent the twats foulkes and his puppet phil the nigger (sic) around BT Group's magic roundabout for the second time c. Sept 2011. Strange that innit? john allen "chose" not to question paula allington as a part of his "investigation" and paula "chose" no to accompany his suck buddy lee foulkes as a BT Friend (sic) for a second time.. I wonder why that was then??? Obliging foulkes to seek out CWU sphincters to accompany him in front of john allen, as did phil the nigger (sic) douglas when he decided to turn up for this second session in front of BT investigating managers. (2Bcontd...) 

A *real black man* as in: ...He's not a real black man Colin... ...he's right up that cunt ruzicKA's arse...(sic) c.2010/11 @ HP19 8BP BT's (nick)Griffin Ln. yard. Spoken directly to me about a black BT employee Mark Vincent, by a cowardly, mendacious, halfwit Uncle Tom Prick black person behind Mark's back on no fewer that two separate occasions. The same Uncle Tom Prick whom I witnessed being consoled and comforted by his rent-a-crowd white 'supporters' in a public place.

c. 2010 HP19 8BP BT (nick)Griffin Ln. yard  at the end of the work day. ....Colin I've bought some over sized cloths so I can try out my new sowing machine...! Oh have you mate? ...that's nice.

Immediately following which I observed the look of utter regret on the face of the speaker for having said to me what he had just stated as he looked away from me and packed away his clobber to go home. :-) 

The moral of the tale?  You, the reader decide for yourself. For myself I say: be more careful to whom you send threatening emails that contain Uncle Tom Prick droppings.

Tailor Store
Tailor made garments...(sic)

Hats and Caps, Big Hat, Embroidery Cap, Wholesale
Big Sizes...(sic)

TUBE+ Watch full leng...(sic)

DJ Jamma - For The Lo...(sic)
Noteworthy: Uncle Tom Pricks are very mouthy - i.e. very insulting, extremely disparaging and highly offensive - very mouthy indeed in private about white people whom Uncle Tom covertly, secretly despises, loathes and hates e.g. lee foulkes, steve halsey, phillip douglas, dominic martello/distefano, danny thorp, keith benwell, pete martin, malcolm aubrey, ken woodward, chris davies, neil landymore, andy ruzicKA et al - and also about black people who Uncle Tom Prick covertly, secretly despises, loathes and hates e.g. especially mathew gordon  - et al. I am speaking empirically, factually and accurately when I note and quote the above facts which I am very able to substantiate in a court of law if ordered to so do.

Updated post. re: my police interview under caution updated with relevant email comms. c.2006.

Colin Jarvis: BT Plc & Communication Workers Union - People and Places c. 1999 - 2012. : Within the public criminal justice system I was qu...: postscrīptum ( re: Jon Ivey's and dominic martello/distefano's FS1GC raised by those BT operatives c. 2003/4 as described with...

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Sunday 11 August 2013

11/7/13 :) Dec. 2008 :(

When talking about football at work I asked: Why do you follow Arsenal? 
On two separate occasions (the first time being Dec. 2008 High Wycombe Sainsbury site e-side c/o site) the below, very telling, reply was said to me by an Uncle Tom Prick black person BT employee in reply:

...When I was looking around for a club to support Arsenal had a lot of black players and a lot of their supporters aren't white people so I picked Arsenal.


Saturday 10 August 2013

11 July 2013 High Wycombe Law Courts.

c. 2011. HP19 8BP BT (nick)Griffin Ln. TEC.

Colin Jarvis ...I know how to express myself in writing *****.

Uncle Tom Prick ...We can all do that Colin.

Colin Jarvis is demonstrably able to back up his statement with the considerable, but barely completed, content of my public social media mass communication websites.

Uncle Tom Prick is, apparently, unable to back up his Uncle- Tom-shit with any evidence to point to. Unless of course that "proof" is hiding behind public access denied blocking padlocks. :-( like Uncle Tom herself!



Thursday 8 August 2013

2nd thretening letter.

2nd Open Letter

Dear Mr Jarvis

I would like to make it clear and along the same tone of the first Open Letter sent to you that:
(That should read: ...along the same lines as... or the same tone as... Is that actually what you meant to say Uncle Tom?)
   Any images copied and reproduced without       consent or permission from my personal     facebook webpage.
(All the images and pictures contained on all my social media mass communication public access websites which were not taken or captured by me were obtained by me BECAUSE those images and pictures were freely and publicly available on social media sites open to public access. Any person who desires to keep private the images and pictures of themselves which they have freely and un-coerced posted on social media websites SHOULD hide behind public access denied padlocks like good little girls and STOP bleating like a desperate Uncle Tom Prick black person BNP batty bwoy, and should stop lying under oath in court ..."all you have to do is right click and... I've since changed my setting now so that, but that ahh" ...Uncle Tom horseshit

 It is impossible to access photos of a person sorry I mean photos of an Uncle Tom Prick, if that person, sorry that twat, has NOT made the photo publicly available. That is why a certain Uncle Tom Prick's social media accounts have now completely disappeared all of a sudden like, from public view! Which is great pity and so so pathetic and pitifulStill on the plus side all Colin Jarvis's social media content - including UTP and BNP twats photos - are all public and open to public scrutiny. 

 p.s. Happily I've got UTP in blue pullover (looking for all the world a gormless halfwit directly into camera) photo on my PC that was made publicly available, which I've still to use in due course. Unfortunately I didn't ...right click... on the publicly available - Uncle Tom Prick wearing wrap-around-sunglasses-indoors - photo before UTP's disappearing act. Shame that!

Used on a different website or any other web page and left open to public scrutiny and with matters dealt with privately, internally and in confidentiality.

    (What's the difference between a website a web page please Uncle Tom?) (Is that meant to read confidence Uncle Tom?)

      Associated with foul, abusive, slanderous, defamatory or inflammatory language.

   (Please see my Twitter accounts and all my other social media
    websites. Personally speaking I find a BT/CWU Uncle Tom Prick black person ...foul )

Insinuation thereof, thus bringing me in keeping with unfounded allegations will also be met with the same repercussions. WHAT? 
 The above sentence, the above TRIPE, makes NO FUCKING SENSE AT ALL I'm afraid Uncle Tom.

Speculation: Was the author attempting to comes across as clev'a (sic) [like his BNP massa john wayne!] by trying to use what he thinks is legal sounding phrases and language? For fuck sake! Almost as sad  and hilarious as the spectacle of a black person's public humiliation everybody in court no.1 High Wycombe Law Courts witnessed on 11/7/13. No I take that back. Nothing can come close to being as funny as that day :-))

Which I now hasten to add will be swift and far reaching in its consequences for you should the offensive remarks and the image(s) used, not be removed with immediate effect.

(Questions: Is ...NO CASE TO ANSWER 

hasten to add ...enough for you? 

swift enough for you? 

far reaching in it's consequences enough for 

with immediate effect enough for you?

Sorry, I cannot obliged you with the removed.. bit! 

You will have to stand, like a gormless fucking saddo in a public courtroom witness box AGAIN whilst being cheered on by your white rent-a-crowd "friends" if you want your Uncle Tom ...should the offensive remarks and the image(s) used, not be removed with immediate effect. (sic) Uncle Tom wish to come true.) p.s. Have you, UTP, 'informed' your courtroom white rent-a-crowd supporters exactly how you talk about white people when in the company of black people only?

No? No matter. I'll tell them for you.  

The following attachments have been added to clarify my issues.

(Please see ALL my existing public access social media mass communication websites for the complete content and images referred to above as issues (sic)
(N.B. I have not altered any of the original text save deleting the christian and surname that was entered at the end of the Open Letter by the so so clev'a (sic) sender. The "Open Letter, very disappointingly, was NOT signed: John Coffey 

1st threatening letter

Dear Mr Colin Jarvis

I am giving you now the opportunity to refute wholly the allegations made in your previous messages / electronic letters.

(I refute fuck all Uncle Tom Prick + What I have previously stated, am stating, and will in future state on ALL my social media mass communication websites in the form of ...messages / electronic letters. (sic) [more commonly known as emails Uncle Tom Prick] are NOT allegations. That complete social media content of mine are facts, accurate, verifiable facts + honest comment. But thanks for the ...opportunity... UTP.

Along with an apology for the defamatory, slanderous and inflamatory comments attributed to me in those messages, letters and the threat with revealing confidential interviews held at BT to blog sites and message boards.

(Every cloud... It is precisely because I deliberately used that deliberate strategy of the diversion stall with Uncle Tom Prick resulting in the subsequent false sense of security felt by UTP after he received the strategic bullshit apology crap I sent by direct email comm. which - HAPPILY - resulted in a BNP retard hearing Uncle Tom mouthing off to other BT operatives on 29/11/12 in the signing on room in BTs (nick) Griffin Ln. yard.,Which in turn gave a BNP dunce the bright idea of secretly using, of making use of, of covertly and surreptitiously taking advantage of that mouthy black person BT employee Uncle Tom, naming and identifying that BT employee black person in his 3/12/12 witness statement evidence given to police ...on Thursday 29. Nov. 2012 I was informed by a colleague... (sic) Some black persons are simply born and brought up sorry I mean born and dragged up to be the white man's tool the white man's batty bwoy!

This is the only time I will give you to do this.

( My response to the above horseshit is: The events of 11/7/13 in High Wycombe Law Courts will accompany that black person BT employee for the rest of his days and will go with him to his grave on which should stand an Uncle Tom Prick black person headstone.

Failing to do so will be met with serious consequences to yourself in not to distant future.

( Speculation: Possible - after the event - questions from: BT operatives and from UTP nearest and dearest and from UTP friends and acquaintances - What happened in court *****? and keep it short.

Ahhh, uhh hmmm, yeah well, ahh vis vat an ve uvva 'appened..

Which in none Uncle Tom Prick language means NO CASE TO ANSWER is what in fact happened. 
