Thursday 30 December 2021

Close Encounter(s) Of The Uncle Tom Kind.

Post 13 Dec. 2005. The BT FS1GC fuse had been well and truly lit, the cat was well and truly out the bag and the hare and the tortoise and sundry other hares and tortoises were all about to have the race of their lives.

At the end of a Dec. workday in BTs (nick)Griffin Ln. TEC signing on room, myself and Jason were still using the PEU office part of the signing on room (we were still PEU team members at this time). The signing on room was emptying of operatives as people went home. I and Jason both started having a conversation with a black BT employee whom we had only quite recently seen using the TEC. We presumed he was a relatively new starter on BT, maybe of some months. I certainly had only very recently noted his presence because of the fact that he would still be at the table in the signing on room, when other CSTs had finished for the day and gone home, signing off on his CST jobs on the laptop, or ordering stores etc for his role as a CST volume operative under the successor to volume line manager dave evans, I think the chaps name was. I, knowing a good few of the CST operatives, having worked out of that signing on room since Dec. 1999.

So anyway, I'd kicked things off with BTs management and the CWU in relation to BT formal internal grievance procedures. This action of mine was now known and being guardedly spoken about by BT operatives in the yard as rumours spread. (I say guardedly, except for the p.m. occasion when I walked into the signing on room containing a good few operatives and a prick by the name of pete cairnie shouts out to me: ...Colin, what's the news on that grievance complaint you put in? Still, cairnie had never been the sharpest knife in the box. Too busy being baby sitter to sick old, stupid old, dirty old men like keith benwell or benny, as his arse wipe would call him.)  As things were being talked about I and Jason both started having a conversation with this new-ish black BT employee about things, trying to bring him up to speed on things ...look I'm moving against a racist coward who is well established in this yard and who will be well