Thursday 23 May 2013

11 July 2013 The High Wycombe Magistrates Court - Public Court Appearance. Verdict: No case to answer. ! Followed by Uncle Tom Prick aka Uncle Tom TIT-SHIT being consoled by a white rent-a-crowd at the rear of the court. Uncle Tom Tit's BNP suck buddy and 'da muvva-in-law (sic) having cut & run some hours previously. :-( or should that be :-) HA! FYI: That sad racist dunce coward missed the very best of entertainment as the black person that BNP supporting racist dunce cunce covertly named and identified within a 3/12/12 legally binding witness statement made to ATVP that was used to prosecute Colin Jarvis, an innocent black man with dignity and self respect in and for myself and my race as a black man by a conned, tricked, gullible and inept CPS.. 2Bcont...


The below (i) to (iii) makes up a part of what was communicated to me via email, within two extremely threatening OPEN LETTER communications c. Nov. 2012 - from a sender who has, on numerous occasions directly and voluntarily informed me of the fact that he is identified as being, he is associated with, he is referred to as and he is called: John (Coffey) , within BT's South Mids & Oxford Woodstock Rd. TEC and BT Carterton ATE areas , by white BT employees. ***(contd...)

For information: John Coffey as in: ...Yes sir boss... / John Coffey as in: Ma names john coffey Boss, like the drink only not spelt the same Boss... / John Coffey as in: Do you... ah... leave the light on after dark Boss? I'za gets scared in the dark Boss... / John Coffey as in: a retarded, overgrown, convicted child murdered who is "blessed wid da Lords' powa" and can... ...Well, you've seen the "movie", right? 

Referencing my 30 March FB & 29 March Google+ posts. It is my fair comment, my fair opinion, my honestly expressed honest comment - that for any "black person" BT employee to compliantly, happily and contentedly - like an Uncle Tom - swallow, stomach and subserviently tolerate being openly likened to and called by the name of a "fictitious black man" who is referred to as "a nigger" (sic) by other "fictitious white men", a "fictitious black man" who is portrayed as being a backward halfwit, an overgrown, retarded, simpleton - possessing a very stupid and absurd healing ability - who is a convicted child murderer and who's sole ambition in life - prior to having his little Uncle Tom brain fried by electrocution - is to stare vacantly, like a vacuous gormless backward, retarded black fool at a Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers monochrome film musical. 

For any black person BT employee to, voluntarily and unsolicited,  say to Colin Jarvis that: " "...I don't mind... If I wanted to do something 'bowt it I would"  to say: "..Its like them calling matt gordon a cotton picker and him doing nuffin 'bowt it.."(sic) + ...I'd do something 'bowt 'em if I wanted too...*(sic) - simply demonstrates, perfectly demonstrates, the type of / the sort of "black person" BT's and the CWU's white management are comfortable with, accommodating of and like so much! i.e. Compliant, subservient sphincter-licking fearful and frightened "house Negros" black persons.

***(contd...) extracts from threatening OPEN LETTER(S) received:

extract (i) ...Which I now hasten to add will be swift and far reaching in its consequences for you should the offensive remarks and the image(s) used, not be removed with immediate effect.(sic)

n.b - ...will be swift...  - actually being 9. March 2013 - four swift months later.  + ...will be swift... -  actually (courtesy of the CPS) being 11 July 2013 -  Happily ! 

extract (ii) ...Failing to do so will be met with serious consequences to yourself in not to distant future.(sic)

n.b. - I think john(coffey) meant ...consequences for you ...
n.b. - I think john(coffey) meant ...not too distant future.

extract (iii) ...The following attachments have been added to clarify my issues.(sic)

N.B. - I am, unfortunately, under court orders not to re post ...The following attachments... - referred to until after I am acquitted by The High Wycombe Magistrates Court on 11 July 2013.

FACT -Those same "attachments" (sic) have always been and continue to be legitimately already readily available, and accessible throughout Colin Jarvis's multiple social media websites: i.e. Facebook / Google+ / Google RB53 WMB / Twitter / Tumblr accounts and within all my Blogger social media accounts, websites and webpages.

There are no public access blocking padlocks applied to any of Colin Jarvis's legally compliant, lawful and perfectly legitimate social media content publicly posted in the: www. Cloud! 
Unlike some "black persons" and "white persons" who hide away their dirty selves, who try to hide away their dirty hands and their dirty dishonesty from public scrutiny behind public access blocking privacy padlocks! 

 innit john(coffey) trinidad-bwoy! - not forgetting your BNP-twat suck buddy massa: john wayne, who's white sphincter your are so keen and eager to be "witnessed" cleaning with you tongue in an open public forum)
Speaking of extracts (i) to (iii) above, I pose two questions.

Question 1: What can be more:  ...far reaching in its consequences for you (sic) - THAN THIS POST'S TITLE ?

Question 2: What can: met with [more] serious consequences to yourself (sic) - THAN THIS POST'S TITLE ?

i.e. BT employee / CWU  member ***** ****** aka john coffey in tandem with  BT employee/(ex)CWU member ***** ***** aka john wayne ordered to appear as witnesses for the CPS before The High Wycombe Magistrates Court. 

Where Colin Jarvis will be appearing as the defendant and as a black man who possesses dignity in myself as a black man, who possess self respect as a black man, who possesses the moral integrity of a honest, trustworthy, principled, unafraid, decent - innocent - black man, within those criminal proceedings


a "black person" and his "white person" BT work mate(sic) / BT work colleague (sic) who will be appearing as witnesses for the CPS. Both witnesses ordered to appear for Regina and having no alternative but to comply, both having previously given legally binding undertakings to appear in open public court and to give evidence under oath against Colin Jarvis. 

("white person" CPS witness ...If ...required to attend court I would need a screen or something (the Crown's shy witness is referring to and pleading for / begging for what is legally named: courtroom special measures) put in place to keep me from having to face - a black man - again) (sic). (...I am still happy to attend court if necessary, but I am still worried about the whole process.) (sic)
("black person" CPS witness ...I am happy to  attend court if necessary.)
Well here is the good news.
Here is the ...swift and far reaching in it's consequences for you...(sic) news

Here is the ...with serious consequences to yourself in the not to distant future (sic) news


Following which, my name and the names of CPS witnesses will be a matter of public record, - as will be the evidence and witness statements within those criminal proceedings in public court. 

How so?

Because, justly and properly, the State's prosecuting authority - i.e. the CPS - responsible for attempting to convict me on the entered criminal charges and hand me a criminal conviction and criminal record, is required and compelled by law, to prove me guilty - beyond a reasonable doubt - of the absurd charges brought against me by the CPS and required to prove me guilty - beyond a reasonable doubt - of the wilfully false and untrue allegations of criminal conduct that have been made against me by a BT employee  CWU member "black person" and by a BT employee ex-CWU member "white person" in tandem. Both of whom are the CPS's  witnesses within, what I would argue is, the State's unconscionable, unwarranted, unjustifiable, ill judged and outrageous criminal prosecution of an innocent black man. An innocent black man who is simply exercising a citizen's right and entitlement in law to make and to pass honest comment, that is legitimately and honestly expressed and articulated in an uncompromising and unambiguous manner in respect of the facts of the subject matter and related matters. (innit!)

This in turn, justly and properly - ( and happily and hilariously :-) necessitates the CPS putting their witnesses - ***** ***** & ***** ****** - on the witness stand. There to swear an oath on the Holy Bible to tell the truth. And there to then give their  sad stupid risible "evidence" of "harassment" in an open public court. Firstly by being questioned by the State's prosecutor and questioned by Their Worships who site on the Magistrates Bench, and then to be questioned and cross examined, as hostile witnesses, by the defendant's Solicitor. 

Which, in turn, equals -
(i)  ...far reaching in its consequences for you...(sic)  
(ii)  ...serious consequences to yourself in not to distant future.(sic) 
- for that BT employee CWU member "black person" and for that BT employee ex-CWU member "white person"who are the Crown's  - seen or unseen - star witnesses.
